Hank Tower, a former member of Amir’s elite group of spies, is chosen by the man in charge to break the code and stop the money flow. The New York P.I.’s efforts explode in murder, thievery, duplicity, sexual craving and his own near death. As he hunts for the money he encounters…
a billionaire who murders in a most unusual way when his profits from ISIS are threatened…
a rich Saudi who is pressed by ISIS for more money and turns to murder to protect his own life…
Amir’s beautiful sister whose sexual desire comes between Tower and his lovely companion, Carol Tomkin…
Amir’s wife, a plain woman with a selfish agenda and a secret life…
an ex-Saudi who wants to kill a competitor feeding money to ISIS.
The non-stop action includes Washington, D.C., New York, Vienna, Damascus, Amsterdam, Istanbul, three of the world’s top hotels, a prison, an art museum, a specially rigged, multi-million dollar private jet, a small auto repair shop, a .22 caliber rifle and the breaking of Amir’s ingenious code. The case Tower and his big Scottish associate, Arnie Macgregor, take on is a mix of greed and murder that poses a clear threat to America.