Blind Vengeance
A client hires Hank Tower, an ex-spy now a Manhattan PI, to prove a friend of his was murdered by his wife. Tower almost drops his case when he discovers the friend actually died from a heart attack and that the deceased’s wife is blind.

Then he learns from a contact at the National Security Agency that his client’s departed friend may have been a Saudi spy. Ominous packages were being routed through him to an unknown address, packages that Tower’s contact tells him could spark a Middle East war and/or an attack on the U.S. The contact hires Tower to find out if it’s true and stop it. To help him, a beautiful, multilingual woman who works in the Saudi Embassy is assigned by a Saudi diplomat as his assistant. Their search leads to,
torture and near death in an abandoned New York bar- ber shop...
a wealthy, renegade Saudi Prince and his dreams of power...
a German industrialist and a secret sex club in Berlin... • the attempted murder of the blind widow...
a plot to rule the Middle East and beyond.